
goal-oriented training

Goal-oriented and Upward-Leading Training

Method Makia is a goal-oriented and upward-leading training. Our system continuously monitors your development in 20 different sub-areas. Each sub-area is built into developmental processes where the demand for the moves increases with your achievements. Each development motion also has its own repeat or hold progress. There are over 1,400 different development motions in our system.

Progress within Progression

‘Progress within progression’ means that if you are doing push-ups, for example, our system will increase the degree of intensity based on various of factors. It will consider your immediate assessment and will automatically adjust based on your algorithm until you are at a level where you are ready for more challenging motions. Then the system will move you on to the next level of intensity. This will have the effect of speeding up your development and making your training safer.

Development progressions

All development progressions start from your current ability level and are based on your starting test level. Sequences begin at an elementary level where needed.

For example, a push-up progression is shown below, and it begins with a light push-up…


… and ends with a planche push-up. There are dozens of development motions between these.

Training that Makes Sense

It would not make sense for a beginner to do a planche push-up if even a regular push-up feels very difficult. It will take time to be able to do a planche push-up, but the Method Makia makes it entirely possible.

Interim Goals in Developmental Progression

Development progressions are divided into sections based on winning interim goals. An interim goal is the next stage in motion progression. The motion feels sensible to achieve, and by training, you can achieve it surprisingly fast.

Each motion pair shows the distance to the following interim goal, as well as enables you to preview the following temporary goal motion.

Exercise History

The system saves each evaluated motion pair, and you can view your progress in every subset in graphical form.

Periodic Rest Periods

The system also monitors your exercise history and automatically proposes a rest period if your workout is too intense. During a rest period, the intensity of the exercises is reduced to about half of the reasonable amount.

Sufficient alternation of rest and adequate exercise is key to rapid development. You will notice this when you return for the first time from a rest period to regular workouts.

The system also includes 120 different HIIT exercises, each with its own varying degrees of intensity.